Which muzzleloader bullet will shoot best in my rifle? To address this subject we need to establish a few truths. Not every muzzleloading bullet will shoot great in your muzzleloader. There exists a powder and charge for each muzzleloader bullet that will work best for your muzzleloader. Now, let's address these truths. Most of us have already experienced the first truth. Let's take a closer look at why. Matching the rate-of-twist of our muzzleloader's barrel with the proper bullet should be a primary consideration to achieving desired accuracy. Now that we've picked the bullet for our rifle, now we need to give the bullet its best chance to perform. What I mean is, don't just try one load of powder. We might need to try several different powders and loads before we find that magic combination. If we just try one or two charges, because they worked best with the last bullet used, then we are probably giving up too soon. Sometimes as little as 2 grains can make the difference. This leads us into the second truth: There exists a powder and charge for each muzzleloader bullet that will work best for our muzzleloader. This is true but, it doesn't imply great performance, just the best performance possible with that particular muzzleloader bullet and rifle combination. It should be obvious by now there is more to discovering which muzzleloader bullet is going to give us the greatest accuracy and performance possible. Trying a few different bullets with one charge and basing our decision on their performance under those limited conditions is inadequate. Determining which muzzleloader bullet will perform best in our particular muzzleloader may require some hard work on our part. If the muzzleloader bullet we are considering is not going to give us the down range performance and trajectory we desire, then why waste time and money on testing. Pick only those bullets that will meet our requirements and then start the process of finding which one will work best. You might have guessed by now, that I do not recommend pellets for testing, since they generally limit your charge variations. To print within the same area shot after shot, you need to do the same things shot after shot. You can not expect the same results if you vary between-shot routines. Without consistency there is no accuracy. Click here to get started. |